
Online Saathi Mobile Exchange Offer

Online Saathi Mobile Exchange Offer

onlinesaathi exchange steps

Exchange any old mobile with a new one at ease from This is the first time ever happen in the eCommerce history of Nepal. Mobile exchange will also be backed by EMI so, you can exchange mobile with EMI facilities as well.

We always like to update ourselves so do our mobile. Mobile is one thing that is better if the latest, as it gives you more features than the previous one. What we used to do when we had to buy a new phone, we have to also keep our old phone. Well not Now, Online Saathi gives you the advantage to get some value to the old phone while buying your new phone.

The process to Exchange your phone

  1. Visit and click on Mobile Exchange Banner, or
    Type go to in your browser
  2. Fill out the form available there
  3. And wait for our representative to call. You will receive a call in a few hours or so.

अनलाइन साथी मोबाइल एक्सचेन्ज अफर बाट कुनै पनि पुरानो मोबाइल सजिलैसँग नयाँसँग साट्नुहोस्। नेपालको ईकमर्स इतिहासमा यो पहिलो पटक हो। मोबाइल एक्सचेन्जमा पनि EMI द्वारा समर्थित हुनेछ, त्यसैले तपाईले EMI सुविधाहरूसँग पनि मोबाइल साट्न सक्नुहुन्छ।

तपाईको फोन एक्सचेन्ज गर्ने प्रक्रिया

  1. मा जानुहोस् र मोबाइल एक्सचेन्ज ब्यानरमा क्लिक गर्नुहोस्, वा
    आफ्नो ब्राउजरमा टाइप गर्नुहोस्
  2. यहाँ उपलब्ध फारम भर्नुहोस्
  3. र हाम्रो प्रतिनिधिले तपाईंलाई कल गर्ने प्रतीक्षा गर्नुहोस्। तपाईले केहि घण्टामा कल प्राप्त गर्नुहुनेछ।

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